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We provide two ways to incorporate VimOS.js into your application: Via a script tag in your html, and via a public npm package.

Script tag

Include the VimOS.js script on each page of your application to incorporate VimOS.js into your application. It should always be loaded directly from rather than included in a bundle or hosted yourself.

  <script src=""></script>



  • If you are building a multi page application, you should include the script on each page of your application, not just the main page.
  • Make sure to add the script tag before any script code that uses VimOS.js; this ensures VimOS.js is loaded when your code uses it.


We also provide an alternative method to incorporate VimOS.js with an npm package making it easier to load and use VimOS.js as a module. Using the npm package allows you also to leverage TypeScript powerful auto-completion capabilities. When working with TypeScript in an integrated development environment (IDE) such as Visual Studio Code, the IDE can use the type information defined in VimOS.js npm package to offer auto-completion suggestions.

To use VimOS.js as a module and leverage TypeScript auto-completion capabilities, you can install it in your tech stack like this:

npm install vim-os-js-browser
yarn add vim-os-js-browser
pnpm add vim-os-js-browser

minimum requirements


VimOS.js TypeScript works with TypeScript V5 and above.

Asynchronous and deferred loading of VimOS.js

Asynchronous loading of JavaScript is generally recommended, as it can improve your application user experience by not blocking DOM rendering during script loading. The easiest way to asynchronously load VimOS.js is to use the npm module. It does asynchronous loading by default.

Suppose you use the script tag method to integrate VimOS.js into your code stack. In that case, we recommend not to set the async attribute in the script tag, to ensure that VimOS.js is loaded synchronously before it is called in your application code, avoiding timing issues and ensuring that VimOS.js functions as expected.

If you prefer to load VimOS.js using the async or defer attribute on the script tag, you will need to make sure that any API calls to VimOS.js are made only after the script execution is completed. You can do so by checking for the existence of vimSdk on the window:

  if (window.vimSdk) {

OAuth 2.0 Introduction

Vim OS Apps initialization process is based upon OAuth 2.0, an authorization framework protocol that allows a third-party website or application access to the user's protected resources.

An OAuth 2.0 flow has the following roles:

  • Resource Owner: Entity that can grant access to a protected resource. In this case, the clinic.
  • Resource Server: Server hosting the protected resources. This is the API you want to access. In this case, Vim OS.
  • Client: Application requesting access to a protected resource. This is your App.
  • Authorization Server: Server that authenticates the Resource Owner and issues access tokens after proper authorization. In this case, Vim.

OAuth 2.0 uses two endpoints: the authorize endpoint and the token endpoint.

Authorization endpoint

The endpoint is used to interact with the resource owner and get authorization to access the protected resource.

The request parameters of the endpoint are:

client_idClient ID connected to your account.
redirect_uriA successful response from the Authorization endpoint results in a redirect to this URL.
The URL must match the base URL from your application manifest.
launch_idVim OS Application launch_id.
This is provided automatically by the VimOS

The endpoint will issue an authorization code and will pass it as part of the query params to the redirect_uri. This code will later be exchanged for an access token using the token endpoint.

Token endpoint

The application uses the endpoint to obtain an access token or refresh token. The application provides the authorization code received from the authorization endpoint in exchange for an access token.

Required parameters

client_idClient ID connected to your account.
codeThe authorization code from the authorization endpoint.
secretSecret connected to your account.

The Initialization sequence explained

  1. Launch Endpoint: When Vim OS starts the app loading process it first calls the app launch endpoint URL, provided in the Developer Console. With the correct request parameters in place, the launch endpoint must redirect to Vim's authorization endpoint.
  2. Authorization Server: Vim’s authorize endpoint will issue an authorization code and redirect to the provided verified redirect_uri, which should be the App’s main page, with the authorization code as a query param in the url.
  3. App Initialization: Your App code is loaded and should initialize a VimOS instance. See examples below.
    1. The SDK uses the authorization code from the URL query param and calls your app backend token endpoint (a URL provided in the initialize method) with the authorization code.
    2. Your App backend should call the Vim OS token endpoint with the authorization code & the app's secret and client ID.
    3. The Vim OS token endpoint returns an access token that will be sent from the SDK to be verified by Vim OS.
  4. Secure Communication: After Vim OS verifies the access token, a secure communication channel is established and maintained between VimOS and the Application.
mermaid diagram

Implementation step by step guide

You will need to have a running app backend server, and pass the correct parameters when initializing the VimOS SDK.



To test your application, first integrate the SDK into your codebase. Next, implement the application authentication flow. Develop and test this flow in the Vim Sandbox EHR, as communication between Vim and your application requires your application to run in the Vim Hub on an EHR. When Vim injects your application iframe in the Sandbox EHR, we automatically send a request to your launch token url defined in the manifest with the launch_id.

App backend server

Your server will need to handle 2 incoming requests:

1. The launch endpoint

The launch endpoint will be called by VimOS frontend in order to issue an authorization code via Vim’s authorize endpoint.

Your launch endpoint url will:

  • Receive an incoming GET request with a launch_id as a query parameter.
  • Redirect the call to with 3 query parameters described above: launch_id, client_id, redirect_uri

2. The app token endpoint

The app token endpoint will be called by the VimOS SDK in order to exchange the authorization code with an access token via Vim’s authorize endpoint.

Your app token endpoint will:

  • Receive an incoming POST request with the code in the JSON body
  • Send a POST request to with the code, client_id and secret in the request JSON body.
  • Receive a JSON response with the access token.
  • Reply to the incoming request with the JSON response .


import express from 'express';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import cors from 'cors';
const app = express();

// Allow incoming requests from the Vim SDK
    origin: [/\.getvim\.com$/],

// It's recommended to store your account's client id and secret in environment variables
// You can find the values in your Vim account page:
const clientId = process.env.CLIENT_ID;
const secret = process.env.CLIENT_SECRET;

// Replace with the actual base URL from your application manifest
const redirectUri = '';

app.get('/api/launch-app', (req, res) => {
  const launchId = req.query.launch_id;

  // Build the authorization URL to redirect to
  const authorizationUrl = new URL('');
  authorizationUrl.searchParams.set("launch_id", launchId);
  authorizationUrl.searchParams.set("client_id", clientId);
  authorizationUrl.searchParams.set("redirect_uri", redirectUri);
  // Redirect the request
});'/api/generate-token', async (req, res) => {
  const { code } = req.body;
  const vimResponse = await fetch('', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
    body: JSON.stringify({ client_id: clientId, code, secret }),
  const tokenData = await vimResponse.json();
app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server listening on port 3000'));

Initializing the VimOS SDK from your app

Initialize the SDK using an object for passing various options:

const vimOS = await window.vimSdk.initializeVimSDK({
  appTokenEndpoint: 'https://app-backend-server/api/generate-token' // replace with your token generation endpoint
  // Additional options can be added here
// Use VimOS instance for further interactions with VimOS.js
import { loadSdk } from 'vim-os-js-browser';

async function init() {
  // Initialize SDK and wait for the authentication process to complete
  const vimOS = await loadSdk({
    appTokenEndpoint: 'https://app-backend-server/api/generate-token' // replace with your token generation endpoint
    // Additional options can be added here
  // Use vimOS instance for further interactions with VimOS.js



Once the SDK initialization and authentication process is complete, your application's default activation status is Disabled. This means it will appear grayed out on the Vim Hub, without an option for users to click and open the iframe. If you wish to make your application accessible, you must proactively change the activation status to Enabled.

However, we advise enabling your application only when there is tangible value for end-users to access it, to prevent user fatigue from encountering your app without immediate action or value. You can dynamically control the activation status following these instructions.

Testing the authentication flow

To help you with testing the authentication flow in a local development environment.
We have created a Postman collection that you can use to test the authentication flow.


Steps to test the authentication flow

  1. Extract the access token from the sandbox EHR
    • Open the sandbox EHR
    • Go to the Vim Settings page
    • Copy the access token
Mock EHR settings page
  1. Set up the environment variables in Postman
    • authToken: The access token from the vim settings page in the sandbox EHR
      • Note: The access token is only valid for 30 minutes; If you start receiving an Authentication failed response from the Create App Launch ID request, reload the sandbox EHR and extract a new token
    • appId: Your app ID
    • clientId: The client ID from your account page
    • clientSecret: The client Secret from your account page
    • launchEndpoint: Your backend launch endpoint
    • appTokenEndpoint: Your backend token endpoint

Be sure to save (ctrl+s) your changes to the variables; Postman doesn't auto save them.

You are not required to set the other variables, they will be auto populated by the collection logic.

Postman variables
  1. Start running the API calls in the collection.
    When you run each request, some verifications are ran afterwards to verify the response is correct.
    The collection also stores results in variables that are being used by the following API calls, so you should run them in the following order.
    • Create App Launch ID - Calls Vim backend to generate the launch ID and store it as a collection variable
    • Launch - Calls your backend launch endpoint with the launch ID, The collection will verify the response and store the authorization code as a collection variable
    • Vim OS Authorize Endpoint - Calls Vim backend to verify the authorization request, The response should be a redirect request to your application with the authorization code as a query parameter.
    • App Token Endpoint - Calls your backend token endpoint with the authorization code, The response should contain the access token.

In case of errors, the collection will provide you with detailed error messages.

Vim session context

vimOS.sessionContext holds information about the Vim Connect user. This information is collected as part of the User and/or Clinic onboarding process to Vim Connect, except for the EHR username.

interface SessionContext {
  sessionId: string;
  user: User;
  organization: Organization;
  ehrType: string;


vimOS.sessionContext.userSessionId is a unique identifier that represents a unique user session in Vim Hub. It is generated when Vim Hub loads and is refreshed each time there is a new Vim Hub session.


vimOS.sessionContext.user holds information about the user that is logged in to the EHR and Vim:

export interface user {
  id: string;
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;
  email: string;
  ehrUsername: string;
const user = {
  id: 203948209842098402,
  firstName: 'John',
  lastName: 'Pisoto',
  email: '[email protected]',
  ehrUsername: 'john9328',


vimOS.sessionContext.organization contains details about the organization to which the currently logged-in user belongs.

export interface Organization {
  id: number;
  name: string;
const organization = {
  id: 1923,
  name: 'Medical group associates',


vimOS.sessionContext.ehrType holds information about the name of the EHR the user is currently using.


If your application uses the React framework, you can easily wrap the VimOS.js with React like code. We recommend doing it using a Context Provider and Hooks, but you are welcome to do it in whichever way works best for you.

Context Provider

First, define a context to hold the vimOS instance

import { createContext } from 'react';

export const VimOSContext = createContext();
import { createContext } from 'react';
import { SDK } from 'vim-os-js-browser/types';

export const VimOSContext = createContext<SDK>({} as SDK);

Wrap your main component with a wrapper that will provide a VimOS instance to VimOSContext

import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { VimOSContext } from './vimOSContext';

export const AppWrapper = ({children}) => {
  const [vimOS, setVimOS] = useState(undefined);
  useEffect(() => {
    (async () => {
      setVimOS(await window.vimSdk.initializeVimSDK());
  }, []);

  if (!vimOS) {
    return <div>Loading VimSDK...</div>;
  return (
    <VimOSContext.Provider value={vimOS}>
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { loadSdk } from 'vim-os-js-browser';
import { VimOSContext } from './vimOSContext';

export const AppWrapper = ({ children }) => {
  const [vimOS, setVimOS] = useState(undefined);
  useEffect(() => {
    (async () => {
      setVimOS(await loadSdk());
  }, []);

  if (!vimOS) {
    return <div>Loading VimSDK...</div>;
  return (
    <VimOSContext.Provider value={vimOS}>
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { SDK } from 'vim-os-js-browser/types';
import { loadSdk } from 'vim-os-js-browser';
import { VimOSContext } from './vimOSContext';

export const AppWrapper: React.FC = ({ children }: React.PropsWithChildren) => {
  const [vimOS, setVimOS] = useState<SDK | undefined>(undefined);
  useEffect(() => {
    (async () => {
        await loadSdk()
  }, []);

  if (!vimOS) {
    return <div>Loading VimSDK...</div>;
  return (
    <VimOSContext.Provider value={vimOS}>

You can now easily access the VimOS instance anywhere in your component tree. For example, here is how you can access data from the VimOS User:

import { useContext } from 'react';
import { VimOSContext } from './vimOSContext';

export const Username = () => {
  const vimOS = useContext(VimOSContext);
  const user = vimOS.sessionContext.user;
  return <div>{`${user.firstName} ${user.lastName}`}</div>

Custom Hooks

We will show examples for 2 use cases of Custom Hooks.


The simplest form of a Hook decouples the VimOS logic from the components. For example, if you don't want your components to depend on the exact path to the user object, or on the fact that you are using React Context, you can create a custom useVimOSUser Hook:

import { useContext } from 'react';
import { VimOSContext } from './vimOSContext';

export const useVimOSUser = () => {
  const vimOS = useContext(VimOSContext);
  return vimOS.sessionContext.user;

Your Username component will now look like this:

import { useVimOSUser } from './useVimOSUser';

export const Username = () => {
  const user = useVimOSUser();
  return <div>{`${user.firstName} ${user.lastName}`}</div>

Subscribe for changes

A more complex hook can subscribe to changes on the VimOS state and provide easy access to the updated data. For example, here is a hook that subscribes to EHR state changes:

import { useContext, useState } from 'react';
import { VimOSContext } from './vimOSContext';

export const useVimOSPatient = () => {
  const vimOS = useContext(VimOSContext);
  const [patient, setPatient] = useState(undefined);
  useEffect(() => {
    vimOS.ehr.subscribe('patient', setPatient);
    return () => {
      vimOS.ehr.unsubscribe('patient', setPatient);
  }, [vimOS]);
  return patient;
import { useContext, useState } from 'react';
import { EHR } from 'vim-os-js-browser/types';
import { VimOSContext } from './vimOSContext';

export const useVimOSPatient = () => {
  const vimOS = useContext(VimOSContext);
  const [patient, setPatient] = useState<EHR.patient | undefined>(undefined);
  useEffect(() => {
    vimOS.ehr.subscribe(EHR.EHRResource.patient, setPatient);
    return () => {
      vimOS.ehr.unsubscribe(EHR.EHRResource.patient, setPatient);
  }, [vimOS]);
  return patient;

You can now easily work with the latest patient data in your components:

import { useVimOSPatient } from './useVimOSUser';

export const PatientName = () => {
  const patient = useVimOSPatient();
  if (!patient) {
    return null;
  return <div>{`${patient.demographics.firstName} ${patient.demographics.lastName}`}</div>

Next: Vim EHR Connectivity and Vim Hub

VimOS.js has two key features:

  1. Vim EHR Connectivity: Vim’s EHR-Connectivity gives you the ability to not only connect to the most popular EHRs, it allows you to leverage all its existing features and functionality such as read/write access to the EHR, workflow resources and their associated data. Additionally, any new features and functionality will be made available to you automatically.

  2. Vim Hub: Vim Hub is the Vim Connect UI, which your users will experience when working in the EHR after you have built and deployed your application. Vim designed its Vim Hub features to provide an engaging and intuitive end-user experience that reduces administrative burden.